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How to get the most value out of Shift Change – Effective Handover

The process of standardizing shift change is an essential component of any continuous improvement program. Once without the need for additional resources or money spent managing this element!

With A+I's Modus Operandi being driven primarily on improving operational efficiency through ensuring interaction between all departments is delivering maximum productivity; one of the first undertakings is always to establish clear and standard shift change processes and scenarios. This ensures that issues that can reduce productivity are understood and a response plan is in place for each of those issues that can be executed during the shift change process.

Continuous improvement is an important part of any successful business, but it can be hard to know where and how best to start. This article will cover various elements that are key in starting your journey on the right foot - from improving communication within teams all the way down to automating manual tasks like data entry!

What is Shift Change, and What three elements need to be properly in place for it to deliver the best value?

Shift change is a time when one group leaves and another takes their place to continue generating value for your organization. It's not about adding more work, but rather taking care of necessary tasks in order so that production doesn't grind to a halt - it can improve efficiency!

The following three elements need to be properly put in place to ensure that once the shift change is complete the “Value Added*” time can start as soon as effectively possible and last till the end of the current shift.

1. Effective Handover from Crew to Crew

2. Line up of Shift Crew

3. Switching from one Shift to the Other

*Value Added time is a component of work where an organization has planned to do something while non-value-added but essential activities are necessary for the completion and advancement of certain value-added processes. Any resource or effort spent on other than these two types of activities will always lead one towards a waste of effort, time, and resources.*

How to do an Effective Handover

The idea here is to ensure that the crew or workgroup leaving the shift is setting up the upcoming shift for success. This includes:

1) removing hurdles at the end of the shift (by crew/group leaving) that may cause inefficiencies at the start of the shift (for upcoming crew/group) and

2) providing accurate and actionable info so there are no lost time and resources being allocated to inefficient activities. This can usually be done within the existing shift reporting structure as long as reporting structure can be modified to capture the necessary information. It is a good idea to get these online through Microsoft or Google so a database can be established to analyze and improve

The way to make these changes is by ensuring everyone in an organization follows a standard, which can be done for example by setting up processes and routines when it comes time for handovers. This will establish a culture of setting up their cross- shifts with success and in turn drive a behaviour of working as one team. A shift change standard should include activities that will enable the upcoming crew to start value-added work as quickly as possible by providing the necessary resources and information to do the value-added work.

It is important to ensure that the information passed on is accurate and timely so it can be utilized to set up the upcoming shift efficiently. This will also drive the culture of trust and enable a sense of well-being in the workplace.

Examples of Removing Hurdles at the start of the shift

  • Designated parking spots for the common equipment so no time is lost looking for the equipment; this is essentially important if an operation has a large fleet such as a mine and no hot seating in place between shifts

  • Fueling standard for critical equipment so that equipment can add Value as much as possible

  • Passing on the necessary info such as what the work conditions are like and what they may need at the beginning and/or during their shift; this includes conversations or consultations they may need to have before starting their value-added work

  • Any equipment or gear that is not functional/down for maintenance, so resources are not assigned to activities requiring that equipment.

Shifting from one shift pattern or schedule of workstations to another can be a difficult decision. For both the new process involved in this change and any existing employees that may not want their current job replaced by something else entirely, it is important for them to have been discussed beforehand so everyone knows what they're getting into especially since some people might feel like shifting schedules would affect negatively on productivity

There are several considerations you need to make when deciding which type your workplace wants: number of workers employed at each facility; how much production needs to be done daily/weekly etc.; what days we do our shifts depending upon weekdays vs weekends-analyzing these issues can help identify potential problems before they arise!

The handover process is an important one, and it's crucial to involve people who will be doing the switch over, and that needs careful planning. Luckily, there are experts who can help you through this difficult process! If your company is looking to improve its efficiency and reduce costs by moving toward an electronic system of record, Analyze & Improve can help you facilitate this exercise as well as brainstorm different solutions tailored specifically for their organization's needs all away without sacrificing quality or quantity -- suited for your organization!

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